


Top Tech of 2022

Anyone with an eye on the tech world is aware of how fast it moves. Each year brings with it swathes of techy innovation – new features, designs and software to satiate even the most voracious of gadget geeks. Our need for new and exciting technology continues to become more and more ingrained in our society, and 2022’s offerings prove that phenomenon is still going strong. Here, we’re running down the top tech released to market in 2022, including smartphones, smartwatches and headphones alike.

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Catriona Elliott

What kind of reader are you?

A reader is just someone who reads… right? Well, what if we told you your reading habits could be categorised the same way as books in a library? Today, we’re going to explore eight different types of readers, with our own personal book recommendations thrown in for good measure. What kind of reader are you? Let’s find out.

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Catriona Elliott

Tips on building a home library

A home library – it’s exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a room, spot, nook – whatever you want to call it – located somewhere in your home dedicated purely to books. Owning and reading a lot of literature has proven to develop literacy levels and reduce stress, but if you’ve noticed your book collection getting a bit out of hand lately, having them all in one place is key for a happy home. At Zapper, we think a home library is so much more than just a couple of bookcases – it’s the one place you’re guaranteed an escape from the hustle and bustle of life. Planning, building, and personalising your home library is going to be a big project, which is why we’ve got some tips for a fuss-free experience that won’t break the bank.

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Top 10 best TV shows to binge

Let’s set the scene – you’ve had a busy day full of agitating alarms, irritating emails and cruel commuting. You’re finally in the comfort of your own home, slumped on the couch, popcorn at the ready. But, what to watch? Streaming services give us a sea of options at our fingertips, but too much choice isn’t always a good thing. It’s actually been proven to stress us out – and that’s not going to do anything to alleviate your rubbish day, is it? Sometimes, returning to an old favourite is the perfect balm for decision fatigue. Let’s run down our top ten most binge-worthy TV shows.

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The best books about saving our planet

One of the best ways to learn about climate change and how you can help save our planet is by reading about it! Today, we’re listing our favourite books on the subject and delving into why exactly they deserve your attention. Whether you’re a complete newbie or looking to brush up on your knowledge, we’ve got something to hit every spot. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at our top picks.

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Recycling made easy: back to basics

Recycling is no new concept. We’re all accustomed to popping an empty cola can in our recycling bin or taking old clothes to the charity shop – whether big or small, it’s something most of us are more than familiar with. Even so, it’s not always crystal clear what exactly recycling entails. You might be left wondering what can and can’t be recycled or what our stuff actually turns into at the end of the day. These uncertainties often lead to recycling blunders: you could end up throwing away everything sans the kitchen sink or simply not bothering at all. In this blog, we’re stripping recycling right back to its basics, so we can all sharpen up our knowledge and give our habits a well-needed polish.

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Catriona Elliott

Worthwhile things to do to celebrate Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event that attracts over a billion people worldwide. Since its inception in 1970, every year on April 22nd like-minded folks get together to celebrate the anniversary of the modern environmental movement and raise awareness about climate change. If you’re looking for worthwhile things to do for your own celebration, you’re in the right place. Read on to find out how you can make an impact this Earth Day and every day after.

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Cal Fenn

Spring cleaning 101 – where to start

Natural light, open windows and fresh flowers – Spring has finally arrived! Whilst pulling back the curtains certainly feels good, it’s safe to say that the sunshine often exposes a multitude of sins. Suddenly, the film of dust that has being quietly accumulating on your windowsill is now laid bare, and the clutter you said you’d deal with a month back is painstakingly on show. But don’t worry, we’ve all been there! Whether you’re reading this in spring, winter, summer or autumn, there’s no time like the present to give your humble abode the once over. In this article, we’re going to explain how you can easily tackle that all-important spring clean, from the tools you’ll need to the best room to start in. Let’s get into it!

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Cal Fenn

5 Small Steps To Lower Your Carbon Footprint 

When it comes to fighting the good fight against climate change, we can all do our bit. The good news is that you don’t need to hug any trees to make a start (I mean, you can if you want to…). From eco-friendly tote bags to reusable bottles, when it comes to going green, it really is the small things that make the biggest difference. So, we’ve compiled a list of little steps you can take to do your bit – but first, we must understand what a carbon footprint actually is and why it’s so important to reduce it.

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How do I know if my iPhone is unlocked?

If you’ve ever tried selling an iPhone through us, we will have asked you whether it is unlocked or not. Knowing the answer to this question is essential if you’re buying or selling a second-hand phone, but it also comes in handy if you’re looking to change providers or switch to a local SIM card when on your jollies. We’ve compiled four tried and tested ways you can check whether your iPhone is unlocked or not, so there’s bound to be a method that works for you.

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Catriona Elliott

7 Reasons Why You Should Recycle

Did you know studies have found that at least 50% of the materials thrown away by a person could be recycled instead? So, what better way to celebrate Global Recycling Day than – you guessed it – recycling! A lot of us do what we can, when we can, but we can all do better – not just for our communities but for the world as a whole.
We all know recycling is good for the planet – but why exactly? Read on to learn seven reasons why you should make recycling a standard part of your life, so you can keep doing your bit the other 364 days of the year.

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Catriona Elliott

Top 10 Books Everyone Should Read at Least Once

You’ve probably seen this kind of list countless times, but while most tend to be dozens of books long and heavily skewed towards classics, we’ve curated a definitive mix of genres written by diverse authors that won’t take you years to get through. Every one of these books has proven itself essential, whether by withstanding the test of time or wowing us with its prose and characters. Calling all bibliophiles, your next great read is waiting below.

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